About WP-to-Twitter Download WP-to-Twitter Technically, this plugin has been available from the WordPress plugin directory since last Monday, but today is it’s official launch. This is for two reasons: first, it gave the plugin a week to “shake out the bugs,” so that the official launch could be as stable as is reasonably possible. Second, it’s my birthday, so I’ll be able to remember when the plugin launched. Isn’t that sweet? The plug-in is pretty straightforward: it posts a status […]
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Twittering Away the Time
Everybody seems to be writing about Twitter. I can’t decide whether it’s so big because people think it’s cute, because people think it has marketing potential, or because it’s just so popular that they want to jump on the bandwagon. Nonetheless, it seems like I’m reading something about Twitter just about every day. The Twitter “micro-blogging” phenomenon is pretty intense. I can certainly see that it has a huge potential for marketing spontaneity: if your target market is the shopping […]
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