Connecting XPoster and Bluesky

Connecting to is extremely difficult; connecting to Mastodon is a little bit tricky… but connecting to Bluesky is super straightforward.

Navigate to Settings > Privacy and Security

Screenshot of the Bluesky interface showing Settings selected in the navigation and "Privacy and Security" highlighted.

Select “App passwords”

Screenshot of the Privacy and Security screen with 'App passwords' highlighted.

Select “+ Add App Password”

Screenshot showing the Add App Password button in context in the App Passwords screen.

In the App Password modal, you’ll need to assign a unique name for your password. Bluesky will automatically generate a random unique name, and that’s fine – all it needs to be is a name that you’ll recognize in your list of app passwords so you can remember what it’s used for.

You probably want to use the name of your website, perhaps something like “YourDomain.ext – XPoster“. But that’s up to you, and has no impact on usage.

The Add App Password modal in Bluesky with a unique name auto completed.

The password does not need access to your direct messages. Click “Next”.

Copy your new app password

The app password modal showing the new app password.

The app password will only be shown once; so if you need another one, you’ll have to generate a new password. Click ‘Done’.

Go to the Bluesky settings tab in XPoster

There are only two things to do here:

  1. Copy your Bluesky handle ( by default, or your custom domain handle if you’re using one) into the Bluesky Handle field.
  2. Copy your new App Password into the App Password field.

Click “Connect to Bluesky”.