The exciting news in today’s release is the addition of support for Bluesky! Bluesky is a rapidly growing opportunity to share your content online, and XPoster 4.3.0 adds that support to your WordPress website.

This release also includes some significant adjustments to publishing logic, which I hope will resolve some longstanding confusion about when posts will publish an update and when they won’t. That said, with changes in logic could come surprises; don’t hesitate to post a support request if you get a surprise!

An additional change worth noting is that image support is now updated to only post images to the services that support that type of image. It wasn’t long ago that WordPress only supported .jpg, .gif, and .png; and that matched the support on pretty much any social service.

But that’s very much not true anymore. WordPress also supports .avif and .webp, with some support for .heic as well. And difference services support different image types: Mastodon supports .avif, but neither Bluesky nor do. Bluesky and Mastodon both support .heic, but doesn’t.

XPoster will now check the mime type of your posted images and distribute them to supported services. So if you notice an image that only goes to some of your connected services – it’s probably because it isn’t supported everywhere.

JPEG, PNG, GIF, and WEBP are supported on all three services.

Each service also has different size requirements; I’ll be introducing improvements to how those are handled moving in a future release. The biggest limitation is on Bluesky, where uploads have to be below 1 MB.

If you haven’t looked at XPoster recently, now is a great time to try it out!