Category: Accessibility

Eliminating the search and display widgets

September 3, 2023

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Topics: Accessibility.

I’m just now releasing version 4.0.3 of XPoster, removing the search and display widgets. While it is still technically possible to use search and display widgets, they’re only supported at the $5,000 per month Pro level API access level. In order to make these widgets usable even at that level, I’d need to rewrite them to support the version 2 API, and given the extremely small market of users who would be able to use them – I don’t […]

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WP Tweets Pro 2.0.0: now sending your alt text to Twitter

December 11, 2020

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Topics: Accessibility, WordPress.

It’s taken way too long, and was completed in what I might consider the most frustrating way. I’ve been working on and off towards getting support for Twitter’s API to add alternative text to Twitter images for years – literally since they first published the API. At first, the documentation was just broken. Later, it was no longer broken, but woefully incomplete. I tried numerous variations to get it to work, and each time I’d eventually be frustrated and put […]

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